An overview

The goal of Mature Adult People (M.A.P.) Ministries is to encourage, Middle Adults (Boomers), Senior Adults, Elder Adults, Sandwich Generation, Full-Time Employed, Part-Time Employed, Newly Retired, or Just Plain Tired to continue to grow in their spiritual lives and to find new areas of service within the church and community as they move through changes in their aging process.

Willowbrook Mature Adult People Ministry (M.A.P.) is here to help meet the spiritual needs of every adult 55 and above. This is accomplished as they give of themselves to Bible study, fellowship, outreach (local missions as well as mission trips) and serving others in need.

We offer you a place to belong and a place where you can contribute and find significance in life. Through being involved, you will experience supportive, fulfilling friendships with other mature adults as well as be an example to the younger generation.


• Possess valuable life experiences that can be of great benefit to young believers.

• Can be examples of God’s sustaining grace through the hardships and trials of life’s journey.

• Can be a source of encouragement and support for each other as they face physical and emotional trials as they mature.

• Recognize there is no retirement from God’s Service

Ways to get involved

• Sunday School Classes/Educational Seminars

• “By His Hands” (Handy men and women offering household repairs for widows, the elderly and deployed service men’s wives)

• Keenagers (Fun, Food & Fellowship – A place to laugh and let your hair down)

• Men’s Breakfast (1st Tuesday of the Month – A place for men to connect)

• Golf Cart Driving (Sunday Mornings)

• Mending Hearts (Ministry to Widows)

• Ministry to the Home Centered (Visitation, meals, etc)

• Ministry Teams to Assisted Living Homes

• Grief Ministry Care

• Adventure and Excursion Trips

• Mission Trips

• Hospital Visitation

2019 First Quarter Calendar

January 14: Fahrenheit (Singing Firemen)

January 28: Day Trip to Senior Center, plus Lunch

February 11: Mayor’s Assistant, John Hamilton

February 25: Tour of Churches

March 11: Game Day

March 25: Creative Birding with Herb Lewis

He’d love to hear from you.

Doug Merchant (ext. 155)

Minister to Mature Adults

Willowbrook Church

Willowbrook Church focuses on sharing the love and work of Christ in our church body, community, and across the globe.