Madison Campus
WB Kids Preschool Team

Jamie Wingfield
Director of Preschool Ministries
I count my blessings every day. Willowbrook has been my church home since 2003. During this time, many blessings have come my way through opportunities of spiritual growth and friendships. One of the most significant has been that of being Willowbrook Madison’s Preschool Director. It is a privilege to love on your children and shine God’s light in their lives. It is a blessing to be a part of their lives and to partner with parents to give their children a strong foundation of Christ’s love for us.I am married to Brian, my wonderful husband of 22 years. I have two precious daughters, Emma, a senior in high school, and Caroline, a sixth grader. All three can be found Sunday mornings serving alongside me, of which is a blessing in my life. We enjoy hiking, picnics, and just hanging out together with our golden retriever, Jake. In my free time, you can find me outside working in my flower and vegetable gardens, creating or decorating, or baking a new recipe.

Allison Nichols
Preschool Ministry Assistant
Hi! I’m Allison! I’ve been married to Brent for almost 11 years, and we have two sweet kiddos. Susan who is 6 and Bennett who is almost 3! We are also in the process of adopting a special needs child from India. I’ve been working for Willowbrook for over a year now and I love getting to work with the children. I also teach fitness classes with FIT4MOM Madison.

Church in Huntsville, AL
7625 Bailey Cove Rd SE, Huntsville, AL 35802
P | 256.883.0907
446 Jeff Rd NW, Huntsville, AL 35806
P | 256.970.6565
Sunday Service Times
Huntsville Campus
8:00, 9:15, & 10:45 AM
Madison Campus
9:15 & 10:45 AM
Huntsville Campus
Madison Campus