Family Mission Trip 2023Interest Meeting
November 17, 2022 at 7 pm, via Zoom
Contact Trip Leader, Bobi Ann Allen for link to join zoom meeting.
Who Should Come?
- People seeking an international experience domestically
- People healthy enough to walk quite a bit on the streets of New York
- People seeking to join an existing church in the ‘long game’ of reaching their community
- Age 10 years and older (under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian)
- Feel led by God to come…not just coming because it’s NYC (cool place)
- Interested in a mission opportunity for the whole family
- Can roll with the flow and handle last minute changes by missionary
- Someone willing to step in wherever we can best support and encourage the mission of the local church partners
- Someone who can feel content with obedience and not necessarily visible result from evangelism
What Will We Do?
The latest statistics show that 96 percent of New Yorkers don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus (making them 2% away from being considered an unreached people group).
We will be working with Maranatha Baptist Church in Queens, New York. It began in 1996 as a Romanian church. While there was very much a need for a dedicated Romanian church at that time, that is no longer the case. The church is in the process of changing their identity from a Romanian church to a church “for all nations.” We will be working with Josh Williford, missions pastor and North American Missions Board (“NAMB”) partner.
Ultimately, our agenda will be determined based on who God puts together for a team. Some of the likely options include:
- Canvasing local neighborhoods in an effort to help the church establish connections around them
- Prayer walking around neighborhood or local schools
- Memorial Day event in Joseph Mafero Park to connect with the neighborhood surrounding the host church facility
- Attend International worship service at host church
Additional Details
- We will stay at a budget hotel to keep our costs as low as they are…not fancy, but clean
- We will have transportation from hotel to church & the train to go into Manhattan but will otherwise be walking
Per person cost is subjective for each family and will be discussed at Interest Meeting
- Airfare: families book their own airfare
- Hotel: families book their own hotel (will provide hotel information for where the team will be staying)
- Meals While in NYC: estimated $207/person (12 meals x $15 plus 15% for tips)-does not include any meals while in-route to & from NYC
For more information: contact Bobi Ann Allen, trip lead at

Willowbrook Church
Huntsville Campus | 256.883.0907
Madison Campus | 256.970.6565