Local Missions Serving Opportunities

how you can serve God here in Huntsville, Alabama!

What is Willowbrook Walkers?
Willowbrook Walkers is a team of believers who participate in fundraising races together
You can sign up by clicking the button below!
Eighty-nine percent of children raised in poverty will graduate from high school if they learn to recognize on sight 300 words by the end of second grade. Arise2Read envisions a community where every child is literate, feels valued, and can realize their God-given potential. You can make a difference in a child’s life in just one hour a week.
- Commit to coaching students one-on-one just one hour a week during school hours (typically after lunch).
- Get started with just one hour of initial training on the simple sight word approach at our partner schools.
Interested? Reach out to Arise2Read’s Mission Lead, Barbara Whitcomb at barbara@willowbrook.org
The CARE Center of New Hope exists “to share the love and hope of Christ while empowering our neighbors in Southeastern Madison County through education, employment, and crisis support.” They currently serve the communities of Owens Cross Roads, Brownsboro, New Hope, and Gurley. Using a highly developmental and individualistic approach, the CARE Center supports local schools through high-quality summer and after-school care programs, Bags of Blessings, and ongoing academic enrichment. Additional programs include GED classes, college/career counseling for ages 17-24, a food pantry, Faith & Finance classes, recovery support, and three thrift store locations.
- School-day tutoring
- Delivering Bags of Blessings on a Friday
- Helping in the garden that provides fresh produce for the food pantry
- Working in the food pantry
- Mentoring for Faith & Finance clients
- Volunteering at the thrift stores
- Supplying toiletry items for the food pantry or new toys for the Christmas shop
Interested? Reach out to The Care Center’s Mission Lead, Debbie Looper at debbie@willowbrook.org
Christian Job Corps is a faith-based, non-profit where women and men are equipped for life and employment. Those chosen to participate in this free program attend intensive courses that teach life and work skills needed to build a firm foundation and successful career. Individuals are assigned a mentor who is committed to help build the student’s confidence, self-esteem, and abilities essential for reaching their gaals. Classes taught include Career, Computer, Money Management, GED Tutoring, and Bible Study.
- Mentors, Computer Teachers, GED Tutors, Guest Speakers, Prayer Partners, and Grant Writers
- Provide meals for students on class days
Interested? Reach out to the Christian Job Corp Mission Lead, Debbie Looper at debbie@willowbrook.org
Willowbrook participates in the Alabama Southern Baptist Disaster Relief ministry through the Madison Baptist Association. When tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and other natural disasters strike within Madison County, and throughout the United States, teams are mobilized to meet the physical and spiritual needs of shattered families and communities.
All Southern Baptist Disaster Relief volunteers are trained and credentialed in one or more of the following disciplines: chainsaw, clean up/recovery, administrative/logistics, chaplaincy, mass feeding, laundry units, shower units, childcare, communications, and assessments. What attracts many to this outreach is its effectiveness in reaching adults for Christ. When all that you have accumulated is gone; when hope is lost, we are there to bring them hope and introduce them to Jesus Christ.
- Request training to become a Disaster Relief Volunteer (you are not required to make every deployment).
- Give financially to the Willowbrook Disaster Relief fund.
- Donate gift cards to be used on deployments to help the families we assist.
- Pray for us when we deploy.
Interested? Reach out to Disaster Relief’s Mission Leads, Dean Montgomery or Rick Johnson at dean.montgomery09@gmail.com and rdjbowtie@charter.net
For Life Ministries’ mission is to help ease the financial burden of low-income families, develop relationships at fellowship times, and provide life coaching to discuss goals and resources available to achieve those goals.
We provide the families that we serve:
- Monthly assistance that includes fresh food, gas vouchers, and one of the following: paper towels, toilet paper, or cleaning products
- Educational scholarships
- Help with unexpected living expenses, such as car and home repairs and medical emergencies
- Monthly fellowship times
- Life Coaching and Personal Growth Groups.
Purchasing Food
- 1-2 people to pull food items at Walmart on the fourth Friday of the month. A For Life staff member will be there to assist and pay. Items will then be unloaded in the Willowbrook Huntsville kitchen.
- 1-2 people to bag the food for each family on the fourth Friday from 6-7pm in the kitchen at Willowbrook Huntsville.
- 3-4 people to provide dinner or breakfast at fellowship times four times a month (at locations in Owens Cross Roads, Gurley, and Huntsville).
- 2-3 people to provide childcare during the fellowship time on the fourth Friday of each month from 6-7pm at
Willowbrook Huntsville.
- Someone who can take pictures at any of the fellowship times.
Interested? Reach out to For Life’s Mission Lead, Jennifer Morgan at jennifer@forlifeministries.org
Through the love of Christ, Graces of Gurley fosters generational and socioeconomic change by loving the people of Gurley where they are, cultivating authentic relationships, discipling with biblical truth, and empowering spiritual, personal and professional growth.
- MENTORS for students (K-12th grade). Many of our students come from single-parent, low-income families. They can use an advocate. They need people praying for them, reaching out with encouragement and giving them godly advice. Some need help with school work and many just long for loving relationships. There is no set time commitment for mentors, The requirements are simple: Love for Jesus first and His children second. Mentors must also pass a background check and have multiple references. We do ask that mentors occasionally attend our events with their mentee and try to see them monthly.
- HELPERS to assist with after school programs on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. No need to prepare or do anything; just be an extra kind face in the room to help with kids that may need assistance.
- Someone with a heart for grandparents raising grandchildren, to help with follow-up, have a bi-weekly meal with these grandparents, and pray for them regularly.
Interested? Reach out to Graces of Gurley’s Mission Lead, Debbie Looper at debbie@willowbrook.org
The Huntsville Learning Center is a Christ-centered organization partnering with schools, families, and the community to help students with limited opportunities become life-long learners, responsible citizens and high school graduates. They provide children K-12 with highly structured, disciplined after-school programs from 3-6pm, Monday – Thursday. Through consistent mentoring and tutoring, students grow in these areas: homework, reading, math, health and fitness, biblical knowledge, and gardening. The daily goal of the center is to provide children with a safe environment that is enriching and conducive to learning. Motto: Love God, Love Learning.
- Tutors/mentors to coach students, help with homework
- Provide healthy, hearty snacks for around 87 children
- Help with gardening maintenance throughout the year
- Help with front door and outside security 5:45-6:30pm
Interested? Reach out to Huntsville Learning Center’s Mission Lead, Debbie Looper at debbie@willowbrook.org
HPRC, a ministry of Choose Life of North Alabama, provides free and confidential help for those facing pregnancy-related decisions. HPRC gives volunteers the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus. When a woman joins “Life Choices,” she is given the gospel, practical life advice, godly wisdom, and a new baby gift.
- Women who can commit to volunteering once a week for four hours a day as an Advocate, to work with the women. HPRC needs ten Advocates every day.
- Men who can mentor fathers.
- Donations of baby gift items or larger items such as car seats, strollers, and pack-and-plays.
Interested? Reach out to the HPRC Mission Lead, Delma Hollister at djhollister@yahoo.com
Manna House provides food assistance to those in need.
We are supported by contributions from individuals, churches, civic groups, and businesses.
We offer a daily provision of food for individuals, families, and the homeless in our community. We welcome anyone in need every time we are open. Primary foods available include canned goods, bread, breakfast items, and desserts. We run a backpack program, providing snacks and ready-to-eat foods for elementary school children who lack adequate food supplies on the weekend.
We also have a hydroponics garden that produces 6500 quality heads of lettuce per month, which are distributed to the local community.
- Help with Food Distributions on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3-6pm.
- Help with Mom-to-Mom Program, which provides diapers, wipes, clothing, equipment and lots of love and encouragement to expectant mothers, new moms, and preschool moms. Held during Food Distribution times.
- Help packing food packs for the Back Pack program on Wednesdays from 2:30-6pm.
- Volunteering at the hydroponic garden.
Interested? Reach out to the Manna House Mission Lead, Bill Brewster at bmbrews@aol.com
Meals on Wheels provides one nutritious meal daily Monday – Friday year round (excluding some holidays) to seniors age 60 or over who are unable to cook for themselves or are housebound within the Huntsville city limits. The meals include an entree, vegetable, fruit, bread, and milk. Meals are provided by a registered dietitian at the Senior Center. Volunteers deliver meals to the client’s home between 11am – 12:30pm. Willowbrook’s delivery day is the first Monday of each month.
- Help with a route.
- Sign up for the substitute list to fill in when someone is unable to deliver.
Interested? Reach out to the Meals on Wheels Mission Lead, Delma Hollister at djhollister@yahoo.com
NNYM desires to step out and work alongside youth leaders and other caring adults locally and nationally to reach and equip young people for Jesus Christ. Networking means leveraging our efforts – working together.
Robert Norton serves as the North Alabama Area Coordinator. For more than 25 years, Robert has been following the model of ministry from the life of Christ, which has resulted in him being used to build and strengthen disciple-making movements in multiple communities. At the heart and focus of Jesus’ relational disciple-making is unity experienced through our identity as children of God.
- Help with maintaining database on Youth Pastors in the area.
- Help with Ministry Partner mail-outs a few times a year.
- Help with tracking campus ministries in the area.
- Adopt a school to pray for at everyschool.com/adopt-your-school.
- Teachers to help with campus ministries at their schools.
- Taking prayer requests and praying with area youth pastors.
- Help hosting occasional events for area youth workers.
Interested? Reach out to NNYM’s Mission Lead, Robert Norton at rnorton@nnym.org
The Oil Change Ministry is a free service to widows, single moms, and wives of deployed soldiers. This ministry occurs two times a year (weather permitting). Women can call the church office with their current contact information to be added to our notification list.
- Volunteers to service the cars. Experience not required.
- Hostesses to interact with the women while their cars are being serviced.
Interested? Reach out to the Prison Ministry Mission Lead, Wayne Stevens at waynes@willowbrook.org
Prison Ministry’s mission is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women, and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities.Kairos of Alabama operates as a State Chapter and serves in prisons and jails through a contractual agreement with the Warden and Chaplain of each unit. At present, we are in 16 units (prisons & jails) across the State of Alabama. We also are opening more units from time to time. We are blessed to minister to family members with Kairos Outside Ministries.
- Our greatest need is for prayer partners.
- Join the Kairos team.
- Provide support from the outside by baking cookies, writing letters of encouragement, making place mats and posters, or preparing meals for special events.
Interested? Reach out to the Prison Ministry Mission Lead, Jerry Wilson at geraldtwilson@bellsouth.net
Willowbrook Walkers is a team of believers who participate in fundraising races in the community!
Upcoming 2024 races will we participate in:
- August 24: Running of the Bulls
- September 14: 9/11 Heroes Run
- October 19: Liz Hurley Ribbon Run
- October 26: Spooktacular 5k
- November 2: Cathedral Caverns Trail Run
- November 9: Half and Goldstar 5k
- December 8: HSV City Holiday 5k
- December 21: Rudolph Run 5k
Interested? You can join the team by clicking here

Willowbrook has partnered with Footprints Abroad Ministries since 2005. Together we have planted two churches in the cities of Hortolândia and Cândido Mota. We will work in a new predominantly Catholic area with a small evangelical presence.
The teams will be working with local pastors and missionaries in the areas of evangelism, encouragement to new believers, special outreach events and discipleship. Aware of the challenges, we adopted the tract “Steps to Peace with God” by Billy Graham. We believe is the most effective method used in our culture so far. It’s a four-step presentation that covers most of the critical points addressing their current beliefs. It´s presented in a very logical and interactive way with several illustrations to help the people understand the Gospel message.
Lying within the 10/40 Window of Unreached People Groups, Central Asia is one of the darkest areas of the world. But Willowbrook has seen the Lord at work here in a mighty way.
Travel with us to the Second Holy Land, to where the Apostles Paul and Peter walked, and the land of some of the earliest Christian Churches. We enjoy fellowshipping and encouraging our workers and local national believers here. Before any work is done and before there is a harvest, prayer must take place. We cover new areas and old in prayer and spend many hours over tea in conversation with those the Lord puts in our path.
“For the revelation awaits an appointed time; It speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it. It will certainly come and will not delay.” Habakkuk 2:3
Sitting in the mountains of Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica, you’ll find Templo Baptista de Atenas, a small church with a big heart and deep spirit. Visiting and serving with these sweet people brings so much joy, and can challenge anyone to a more authentic faith.
Partnering with this sweet congregation enriches the lives of those of us who travel there. Whether it’s a women’s conference, a youth trip, a family trip, discipleship, encouraging ministry staff, or leadership training, opportunities to find your place and a deep connection to our family in Christ are waiting for you!
Osaka is a large port city and commercial center on the island of Honshu with a population of 2.691 million. Kyoto is the cultural capital of Japan is a major tourist destination with a population of 1.475.
Willowbrook has been partnering with churches in Tokyo for well over 15 years and will continue to do so with our youth and young adults. Willowbrook will now also be working in the Osaka area with Mark and Mie Busby who have since moved from Tokyo to Osaka. In Kyoto, Willowbrook will be working with the local school system. Please join our youth and adult trips and help us take Jesus to a people and a culture unaware of the gospel.
1 in 12 children under the age of 15 in the Loreto region of Peru are orphaned or in foster care. As of 2014, 42% of the population lived in poverty, 45% of households did not have running water, and 25% of children under the age of 5 were malnourished.
Not Forgotten is on a mission to help abandoned, abused, and neglected children understand and believe that they are not forgotten – not by us and not by God. Not Forgotten seeks to advocate for and rehabilitate children from Iquitos, Peru who are affected by the helplessness and hopelessness of their condition. Not Forgotten invites you to join us in spreading the hope of Jesus Christ to these children, that they might find true life in Him and grow up to become agents of change in their communities.
Tanzania is an East African country known for its vast wilderness areas, including the plains of Serengeti National Park. Bordering the Serengeti area is Tarime, in northwestern Tanzania. Tanzania is one of the poorest countries in the world. Willowbrook is working with Pastor Petro Andrew of Tarime Baptist Church.
Willowbrook is planning a trip to Tarime, Tanzania for summer 2025. There are many opportunities to serve the local church on this trip, including door-to-do evangelism, VBS for kids, and encouraging new neighboring churches. Additional opportunities may be considered depending on the size and skills of the team. Estimated cost: $3000
Each year, we spend a week visiting a country in Western Asia, engaging Muslims from Persia on holiday and sharing the gospel with them. The trip is typically scheduled for the end of March or begining of April. The cost varies from $2200 – $3000, depending on location and flights.

Church in Huntsville, AL
7625 Bailey Cove Rd SE, Huntsville, AL 35802
P | 256.883.0907
446 Jeff Rd NW, Huntsville, AL 35806
P | 256.970.6565
Sunday Service Times
Huntsville Campus
8:00, 9:15, & 10:45 AM
Madison Campus
9:15 & 10:45 AM
Huntsville Campus
Madison Campus