In 2018, Willowbrook members will have numerous opportunities to carry God’s light and love all around the world. Last year we continued our journey as a church family to fulfill the Great Commission. This year we will extend that journey with a wide range of mission trips. Our Global Impact Missions Strategy at Willowbrook Baptist Church is to reach Huntsville, America and the world for Jesus Christ. God is constantly looking for laborers to go into the fields. Are you open to being one of God’s laborers? 


We are passionate about partnering with the local people of Armenia to help spread God’s word.  As we operate a local coffee shop, we will serve the community and be able to offer the distribution of SD cards containing the Bible and other resource to Central Asians traveling outside of their home country for vacation. Team members will be paired with native speakers to hand out the SD cards and invite them to this cafe run by other team members. At the cafe, we will serve coffee, tea, and cakes to our quests as native speakers maintain spiritual conversations and develop relationships. This local community will be blessed with the Gospel, the Bible, and other resources in the media format accessible to their mobile device or computers. 

Brazil: Footprints Abroad


Willowbrook has partnered with Footprints Abroad Ministries since 2016 to assist in the church plant process in the city of Candido Mota, located in the state of Sao Paula. It has 31,000 people and currently does not have a Baptist church. It is predominantly Catholic as are most rural cities in Brazil. 


The teams will eb working with Pastor Rodney Almeida and his wife, Ineide, in the areas of evangelism, discipleship, encouragement to new believers and special outreach events according to the needs of the area. Aware of the challenges, we adopted the that “Steps to Peace of God” by Billy Graham. We believe that is the most effective method used in our culture so far. It’s a four step presentation that covers all the critical points addressing their current beliefs. It’s presented in a very logical and interactive way with several illustrations to help the people rightly understand God’s plan for their lives. 


Central Asia


Lying within the 18/49 Window of Unreached People Groups, Central Asia is one of the darkest areas of the world. But Willowbrook has seen the Lord at work here in a mighty way. 


Travel with us to the Second Holy Land, to where the Apostles Paul and Peter walked and the land of some of the earliest Christian churches. We enjoy fellowshipping and encouraging our workers, and local national believers here. Before any work is done and before there is a harvest, prayer must take place. We cover new areas and old in prayer and spend many hours over tea in conversation with those the Lord puts in our path. “For the revelation awaits an appointed time: It speaks of the end and will not prove false. Through it linger, wait for it. It will certainly come and will not delay.” Habakuk 2:3.

Costa Rica


Sitting in the mountains of Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica, you’ll find Tempo Baptista de Atenas, a small church with a big heart and deep spirit. Visiting and serving with these sweet people brings so much joy and can challenge anyone to more authentic faith. 


Travel with us to the Second Holy Land, to where the Apostles Paul and Peter walked and the land of some of the earliest Christian churches. We enjoy fellowshipping and encouraging our workers, and local national believers here. Before any work is done and before there is a harvest, prayer must take place. We cover new areas and old in prayer and spend many hours over tea in conversation with those the Lord puts in our path. “For the revelation awaits an appointed time: It speaks of the end and will not prove false. Through it linger, wait for it. It will certainly come and will not delay.” Habakuk 2:3.


Willowbrook Church

Willowbrook Church focuses on sharing the love and work of Christ in our church body, community, and across the globe.