
We are spending the summer walking through many of the parables of Jesus. The definition of parable is "a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the Gospels." Jesus uses stories such as these to help us understand more about...

Peace in the In Between

We have all had those moments of in between - moments when you are not here nor there, moments of waiting for the right timing, God’s timing, and moments of trusting. We Trust in the plan that God has for not only us as individuals, but also as a whole. We all have...

Equipped to Serve

"We are equipped to serve, not warm the pews." ~ Dr. Gustavo Crocker This was a phrase we heard during Saturday evening's General Assembly service. Dr. Crocker's message was on the priesthood of all believers and how we are all equipped by God with a gift for service....

Where Do We Focus?

Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “To be simple is to fix one’s eye solely on the simple truth of God at a time when everything is being confused distorted, and turned upside down.” Bonhoeffer was a German Lutheran pastor known for his theological writings. He was also known...


Can you imagine being in the room that day? What confusion there must have been? The sights, sounds, and feelings? I'm not sure that I can truly imagine all the wonder, confusion, chaos, joy, and amazement that day, but it is sure fun to think about. If you haven't...

God’s Place

As we move into the growing season I have begun to spend more time in the garden doing the hard labor needed to get the garden ready, sometimes underneath the hot sun or even on the cold and windy days. I have spent many hours in the garden doing the work that simply...

Willowbrook Church

Willowbrook Church focuses on sharing the love and work of Christ in our church body, community, and across the globe.