Reflecting on Time

I re-watched the Lord of the Rings movies a couple weeks ago and parts of it have been rolling around in my head ever since. If you are not a fan, please stick with me for a bit, I promise you don’t have to know the story to understand my point. But I’ll give you the...

The Courage of Esther

When life gets hard, who do you turn to? When you are afraid to do something that you know needs to be done, what do you do? When a hard choice has to do made, how do you make it? Over the past week, these have been questions that I have been asking, trying to wrap my...

Under Construction

For our Prayer & Praise devotional this past Wednesday, I shared the following C.S. Lewis quote from Mere Christianity. “Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the...

Worthy of Praise

Have you ever looked out into the congregation and thought to yourself, “man I wish I could worship like that.” Most of us have said this a time or two, while others may feel this daily with some form of worship. We feel that because we don’t worship the way that...

Hope for the Future

I've spent the last three days with over 10,000 students and sponsors at Nazarene Youth Conference (NYC) in Tampa, Florida. I spent the three days before that at the National Bible Quiz with approximately 80 of the best quizzers from the USA. It has been an incredible...

Fiery Prayers

I’ve been listening to a devotional app called Lectio 365. Lately part of the opening prayer states, “I have set my heart on pilgrimage, so challenge me and change me, cleanse and rearrange me, until the fire that burned in St. Aidan’s heart, burns brightly in mine.”...

Willowbrook Church

Willowbrook Church focuses on sharing the love and work of Christ in our church body, community, and across the globe.