Sometimes It’s Hard – Pastor Jillian Hobbs

The past couple of weeks have not been easy, as many of you may know. They have been trying, and I have spent many hours talking to God, trying to figure things out. Yet I have also been looking ahead and behind me at the same time. I have been looking forward to...

Discipleship – Pastor Todd Olson

Over the last few days I have been reading Growing True Disciples by George Barna for my current class in the Masters of Arts in Pastoral Leadership program at Olivet. This book is almost twenty years old, but summarizes some significant research about the church and...

To Will One Thing – Pastor Cindy Olson

Soren Kierkegaard was a favorite of my college Philosophy professor. Prof. Craig insisted that we learn about his major works and how to correctly pronounce his name! You say it Keer-ka-gore. If you’re not familiar, Kierkegaard was a Danish philosopher who wrote...

I Stand By The Door – Pastor Jillian Hobbs

In college one of my professor had us read the poem “I stand by the door” by Sam shoemaker, which reads: I stand by the door. I neither go to far in, nor stay to far out. The door is the most important door in the world - It is the door through which men walk when...

Dangerous Prayers – Pastor Todd Olson

This morning we are starting our summer sermon series Dangerous Prayers. We start with the idea that we need to be willing to pray dangerous or unsafe prayers, not just the safe prayers such as protect us, bless our food, keep us safe, etc. As followers of Jesus, we...

We Can Do Better – Pastor Cindy Olson

I watched a webinar this week from ONU with Rev. Tara Beth Leach and her mentor Dr. Scot McKnight. I’ve not had the pleasure of meeting either of them personally but have read some of their writings and listened to several of Tara Beth’s sermons. They are both...

Willowbrook Church

Willowbrook Church focuses on sharing the love and work of Christ in our church body, community, and across the globe.