The Individual and The Whole – Pastor Jillian Hobbs

The past week Disney+ released its new movie Encanto. Lets just say that I was super excited to watch it, and if you haven’t watched it, this may spoil it for you. In the movie Encanto there is a message that we as Christians, we as people need to hear - we see a...

Joy at Christmas

I preached the Advent sermon on joy last Sunday. And wouldn’t you know it…this week has been one of those ride the struggle-bus, emotional roller-coasters – for no apparent outward reason. I know it’s just our enemy Satan trying to make me betray my words. If he can...

Romans 12 – Pastor Jillian Hobbs

On November 20 the you verse bible app’s verse of the day was Romans 12:2. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”...

Advent – A Time for Waiting and Preparation

It's the Sunday after Thanksgiving. If they were not already doing so, Christmas preparations are beginning for many. In fact, I find myself lamenting most years that it starts earlier and earlier each year. As Christians, however, we should not be so quick to jump...

Thankfulness – Pastor Cindy Olson

In April 2020 when most of the world was on lockdown and all things seemed uncertain because of the first global pandemic in 100 years I listened to a webinar by author Lara Casey. I can’t tell you the title or most of what she said, except one thing that stuck with...

Bible Reading Resource – Pastor Todd Olson

As followers of Jesus, it is imperative that we are continually in the Word of God. It is important that we fill our minds with things that are beneficial, otherwise we will fill them with whatever it is we spend our time doing. We can slowly begin moving away from...

Willowbrook Church

Willowbrook Church focuses on sharing the love and work of Christ in our church body, community, and across the globe.