Who Do You Say I Am

God. Father. Dad. Abba. Mother. These are all words that we use in order to talk to God, but there are moments in which these words seem like they don’t do the job. For some weird reason they don’t express who God is to you in that moment. This happened to me a couple...

Reflections on the Parable of the Sower

Matthew 13 - a passage many of us are familiar with, yet also one that we do not always truly apply in our own lives. Friday evening at our service during Celebrate Life, the speak spoke on this parable. His message has stuck with me all evening and all morning. The...

On Prayer

I was recently given a copy of the 350th Anniversary Edition of The Book of Common Prayer. If you are unaware, this book was written in England by the Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cramner. It contains many prayers for different times and seasons, as well as...

Half Million Mobilization

Much of the church throughout the west is in decline. The Church of the Nazarene in the USA/Canada is no different. Our new Regional Director for the USA/Canada region, Dr. Stan Reeder invited all Nazarenes to join in the Half Million Mobilization. This is a prayer...

Favorite Holiday

It is to no surprise that I love Easter. It is my favorite holiday out of the whole year. Most people though, are surprised to hear this, they all tend to think that I, as a pastor, should love Christmas more then Easter. Yet, for me, my love for Easter has to do with...

Resurrection Sunday Reflections

We've journeyed through Lent. We experienced the tension of Good Friday. We've sat in the uncomfortable silence of Holy Saturday. And now it is Resurrection Sunday. The Sunday each year that we focus on celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the...

Willowbrook Church

Willowbrook Church focuses on sharing the love and work of Christ in our church body, community, and across the globe.