The Greatest Need

This last week I was able to hear a very interesting testimony from someone that many Christians might have turned away. In fact, a group of them had already. I got to hear the story of a young man that was raised in a very strong Christian household.  This young man...

Considering Legacy

I’m not sure if it’s my stage in life or some recent changes that have been happening in our extended family, but I’ve been thinking recently about legacy. Those thoughts have been amplified this week as Todd and I have attended the Q2022 National Quiz event where we...

Story of a Difficult Conversation

Some of you have heard my story about a friend that I had while in college, one that was a deist. Though she did start out as a atheist, today I think she still boarders on deist/Christian. Yet, though many of you have heard her story, you may not know why it is that...

Difficult Conversations

We live in a day where there are so many divisive topics. It seems as if there are two distinct sides (at least) to every issue and no one will listen to anyone else because their side can be the only right side. It is difficult to have a civil conversation these...

Live What Matters

This has been an emotional week as a pastor and a person. Pastor Todd and I sat with two women who many would call “Saints of the Church” who were nearing death. It makes you think, and it makes everyday things seem somewhat profound. God gives each one of us life and...

Ascension Day

We all recognize Easter and if we have been in the church long we likely recognize Pentecost, which is the day we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit onto the church. There is another very important day of celebration that often gets overlooked, Ascension Day. This...

Willowbrook Church

Willowbrook Church focuses on sharing the love and work of Christ in our church body, community, and across the globe.