Ready for Christmas

Author Ann Voskamp has been publishing Advent devotionals titled “A Spacious, Non-Anxious Christmas.” These are brief, daily videos on her social media to remind us to slow down and make room in our hearts, minds and lives for Jesus. It’s a sad but true irony that we...

Advent Reflections

This season of Advent is one that I have really come to enjoy in the church calendar. I came across a blog from Rachel Held Evans that has some reflection questions that are good for all of us to consider individually. 1. Why do I need a savior? Which areas of...

Peace in Disagreements

You know that moment that you are talking with someone and then the conversation backfires on you? Well this is something that has happened to me many jobs, such as when I have a conversation/disagreement with Pastor Todd. This is also something that happened to me in...

The Advent Season

Advent. A season that comes this time every year between our Thanksgiving holiday and the celebration of Christmas. However, it is a season that gets passed over by our culture today. All of the focus on gifts, shopping, Christmas music, and decorating assists in...

How do we be thankful in this?

This past week was filled with loss. We lost Todd’s great-Uncle Harold. He was 87 and had a good, long life but his health and mind failed him in his last years. We lost our friend Russ, who at age 65 seemed to have more than his share of heath struggles. And then...


Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 We are in the days leading up to Thanksgiving, which is less than two weeks from now. However, it seems that yet again, we are...

Willowbrook Church

Willowbrook Church focuses on sharing the love and work of Christ in our church body, community, and across the globe.