Somewhere along the way, the Christian church has lost it’s way. We tend to be comfortable and not like when things are not going the way we think they should go. However, when we are following Jesus and obeying what we are called to do as believers, we are not promised comfort or even for things to be trouble free. In fact, Matthew 5:10-12 tell us this:
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
When we are obedient to the call of God on our lives, we are told from Jesus himself that we will likely face opposition, ridicule, and even persecution. However, as people who claim to follow the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, we often do not appear to live it out the same way we speak about the Kingdom of God. The question is whether or not we want to take the commands of Jesus seriously – the Great Commission and Great Commands. We cannot be followers of Jesus and not love others the way Jesus loves – for who they are, created in the image of God. We also cannot be followers of Jesus and just sit in a church service for an hour on Sundays. If we have been truly repentant, the call is to obedience, walking hand in hand with our Lord. As we do this, the Holy Spirit will continue to change us to look more and more like Christ – which includes living that lifestyle out in front of others, regardless of the potential consequences. Let’s strive to be people so focused on God’s Kingdom that there is no question where our allegiance is when other people view our daily lives. May they always see the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Serving Jesus Together,
~ Pastor Todd