It’s Pentecost Sunday. We celebrate Pentecost every year in the church, but it does not get the same attention as Christmas, Easter, or any other number of occasions. I have been pondering that this week, as I am more and more convinced that we short change ourselves and our walks with Christ when we do not take time to remember the significance of Pentecost. It is the day that the gift of the Holy Spirit was given, just as Jesus had promised. There was the sound of rushing wind and tongues of fire. The disciples were preaching and everyone heard the good news in their own languages. It truly had to be an experience that was incredible!
We then see Peter stand up and address the crowds. This was the same Peter that not long before had denied Jesus after getting angry that Jesus had said he would do so. This was the same Peter who drew his sword in the garden drawing Jesus’ rebuke. This was the same Peter, although he had been with Jesus throughout his earthly ministry, continued to not get it and continued to screw up. I think today there would be a tendency among some to write someone like Peter off, he wouldn’t have been good enough. Instead, we see Peter becoming on of the greatest missionaries of all time. We see Peter, empowered through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, reach many with the good news of the gospel. It really is something to stop and think about.
This is good news for us, friends. It is good news because God can still use broken people like you and I. in fact, through the Holy Spirit, we can be continually transformed when we surrender ourselves to God fully. It is through this transforming work that we can fulfill whatever mission is it that God has for us specifically, even when we likely would not be capable in our own strength. In fact, we are all unworthy to be partners in the work of spreading the Kingdom. However, no matter how unworthy we might be, the Spirit continually calls us back to God himself, reminding us that God will go before and give us what we need to serve him as we are called to do.
Praise be to God for the gift of the Holy Spirit, which we celebrate on this Pentecost Sunday!
Co-laborers on the journey,
~ Pastor Todd